Procedures & Practices


A great tutor should be like a great suit...

A perfect fit. The thing I pride myself on most is the tailor-made approach to client interactions. I don't tell you what to do and then simply expect you to listen and comply; I work with you, and adjust the modalities used in each session to best fit your needs at that very moment.

I have found that when learning, many students respond best to an approach that allows them to relate many of the concepts they are studying back to everyday life. I’m a big fan of using the self-reference effect (which is when information is related back to ourselves and its relevance in our lives) in my sessions to allow my clients to better understand and retain the information. Too often, I find that information is presented in a way that is far removed from the student’s real-life experiences; it’s no surprise, then, that many classes fail to engage the hearts and minds of students.

At the end of the day, I understand that many college courses can be difficult and intimidating, but I promise that with me by your side you'll overcome any challenge!